Sat Yam
“Open yourself to the wisdom and depth of your heart.
Dive in and live from this space of your soul essence.”
Through connection and engagement with satyam we have the possibility to arrive more and more in our truth and from this space of connection with the ultimate truth also to think, speak and act authentically and truthfully.
Through your heart you find the connection to the ultimate truth within you and in connection with all that is. Our heart is our strongest energy center and it is the seat of your soul here on earth. And the more you connect with your heart and receive, give and live from this space, the more you are connected to your higher self, to your existence and to your soul plan.
Kundalini Yoga, the GONG and energy work with Reiki or the expansion method are effective methods that support and accompany you on your path of transformation and self-development.
For me, this is not a theory, but a deep conviction. Guided by life, my intuition and my heart wisdom, these methods and approaches have come to me. First as a receiver, later as a student and in the further step as a teacher or user. In deep connection and gratitude I pass on these healing and transformation methods in my courses and individual sessions.
Offers & Courses
Training Kundalini
As a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, I dedicate my life to teaching and sharing this transformative and powerful style of yoga .This is my calling and life mission*.

For me, the inner call has become a vocation. At the center of my work are wholeness, authenticity and direct experience.
In my workshops and courses as well as in the individual accompaniment, the human being as a whole – with his uniqueness and his versatility – is in the center. All offers are about the direct experience in the here and now and the sensing or the contact with the individual truth, which is embedded in the big whole. This includes all levels – the physical, the mental-emotional and the spiritual.
I draw on a broad repertoire of techniques as well as my personal intuition. In this way, I can attentively perceive the general constitution as well as the current needs of my counterpart and respond to them methodically and energetically.
I have learned from a variety of inspiring and experienced teachers & healers and especially from life as a whole.
I currently offer my classes, sessions and gong baths primarily via video conferencing. Feel free to contact me via the corresponding subpages, register for one of the courses or book a single session. I look forward to seeing you!
Kundalini Yoga online courses:
-Every Monday:
19:00-20:30 – EN
-Every Wednesday:
19.00-20:30 – ENG
Gongbad online session
Treat yourself to a gong bath!
Let the gong raise your vibration!
Kundalini Training
The Kundalini Teacher Training will begin on November 3, 2023 near Cologne, Germany.
"Guru Ratan brings with her Mama Gong an incredibly gentle and at the same time very profound healing method to the world, which is suitable to penetrate deeply into the human body cells and energy field through the power of sound and to bring into consciousness and transform mother entanglements of all kinds and also to heal the mother issue with resulting relationship and life issues. She has a great empathy for her counterpart. I also see it as a helpful way to get stagnant psychotherapeutic processes flowing again."
"It was love at first sight... I took a Kundalini workshop with Guru Ratan and was immediately hooked. She beautifully introduced and guided the Kriya. The mood in the room was full of energy and I was able to feed off the experience for days. After that, it was clear to me: I want to continue. Each subsequent lesson with Guru Ratan has been a gift and has guided me on my own path."
"With a lot of empathy and positive energy, Yvonne always manages to direct me and my focus on the really important things in life. I wouldn't want to miss our regular appointments."

"My first Reiki experience was with Guru Ratan. This experience was also significant and made me realize many things. After a warm and loving introduction, the experience began with an incense burning. Despite my rational nature, I was able to engage immediately and unconditionally, thanks to Guru Ratan's infectious and heartfelt manner."